Saturday, November 3, 2007

21st Sept - 九份, 金瓜石,美丽华, 士林夜市。Jioufen, Gold Ecological Park, Miramar, shihlin night market

We took the train at Taipei Train Station to....Ruifang.

At Taipei Main Station

Gold Ecological Park

Admission ticket to... Gold laundering!

After...sieving for gold (dust), we went around the Park to see see look look.... but it was all hazy...This old railway track you see was actually a real thing, not pas fiasco. The gold diggers used this railway to transport crates of gold....but it was shut down in 1971. But the rail remains,

Real block of Gold.
Touch already please let me huat HUAT HUAT ah!
Then we took a bus to Jioufen

九份 (Jioufen)

*click on hyperlink if u wanna read more about this place!
听过陈绮贞的歌的人一定听过她以九份为背景写的一首歌。当时我还在念中学,听了听,也不知道九份是什么。就单纯的觉得,这位歌手是非主流的歌手。她的音乐让人觉得。。莫名的舒服。现在路过九份,忽然想起当年的这首歌,感触- 良多。
It has been raining cats and dogs, mice and cats, lions and tigers these past few days. A bowl of 'ginger taohuay with yam and sweet pumpkin' is very welcomed.
If you peeps trust my taste in food - (cos im the self proclaimed food connoisseur, mah!)
Well, this bowl of taohuay is a saving grace against the cold winds and peltering rain. 暖到心底!
Scenery of jioufen:

After staying a short while in Jioufen, we took a bus back to taipei.
AND i realised I opened a shop that sells.... shoes. Abit upmarket one... not those night market one pair TWD 400 one ok!
And then we went to Miramar shopping mall to take the Miramar Ferris Wheel!

now you see me,
now you don't!
In a VERY, VERY RARE occasion that I am acting cute. PUI!
Night view from the ferris wheel.

Shih ling night market

Literally translates to coffin
Coffin is a thick slice of toast, fried, sliced open and the stuffings stuffed inside.. Shown here is some peach fruity flavor. NICE!
I tell you, arcade basketball game is the craze here. "everywhere i go, everywhere i see!!"
BUt its good la, walk to where,sian can play.. somemore its EXERCISE mah.

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