Wednesday, August 1, 2007

tip me, tip ME!

WARNING: explicits abundent. Proceed with care, and..PG16
For people who dunno,
I have been "internally promoted" to Cashier of the Deli. Pay is still the same, but more seng1 lang1 la..
There are another 2 cashiers, "A" and "M".
Well, as cashiers, they get tips.. LOTSA LOTSA.( Av.2 and Av. 16 respectively.)
Lim pei's tips may range from 0USD to maybe 1.25USD (the max I got in one day).

I was thinking, why am I so pathetically tipped? Do customers tip according to looks, or skin color? If so, I must really be not very pretty...
tip me to BOOST my alter-ego.
I dun get it. I provide good service ok?( Or so i think)
I reduce the waiting time to make payments.( I am rather efficient)
Why like that unfair one?!
People can sweet talk, glib talker...
maybe i should start to talk crap sweet talk people.
MAYBE i should start wearing makeup!

Life is such unfair. I work so hard, but still my pay is MEASLY.
to hell with life! Maybe I should start changing my name to a more 吉祥 one. Why work so hard and earn measly when you can work minimally and EARN MORE?!

KNN. I hate life. ANYWHERE, not only here, but in SG as well.
Life is such unfair. KNN! KNN! KNN!

Life is unfair to begin with. Where and when will it be fair? The truth to be told, never
Why are kids born with AIDS? Why some have a silver spoon in their mouths? Life was never fair to begin with. So F* life. Just live it and finish it. Thats the best that can be done


  1. Remember to bring a parang to work.. when you face a "cat" customer... show her ur parang and say "NA BEI DUN WANT TO TIP ME isit?!?!?!"

    Do you need a Made in SG parang? I can include in the package. LOL JK JK!!


  2. pig>> GOOD IDEA. US here no parangs one. WAHAHAH.. Machiam pirates of the carribean like tt
