Monday, May 11, 2009

Australia Day 2 - Katoomba, Jenolan, Caving


Day 2 ( 12th May 2009) - Katoomba - Caving experience

A quick breakfast of toast and tea, Ross, the nice owner of flyingfox backpackers drove us to the Main station to sign up for our first caving experience! *excited*

We got on to the bus, and off we go to Jenolan Caves!
Hm.... most of the people going on this trip are... mostly asians! (haha i think we don't have a car tts why we gotta sign package tour!!)

A journey on the bus of approximately 1 hr later, we were at Jenolan Caves.
A short briefing was given, and off we went for a short (but arduous) hike (TOO MANY STAIRS TO CLIMB!!!), before we embark on t.h.e. plughole caving!

*sians - didn't bring our camera to the plughole cos we thought we couldn't bring them along! bummer!*
But we got a group picture of the our cave guides! (yes, we were the same coveralls as they did!)
nice cave guides we got! the pretty lady beside me is only... 22 yrs old!

When we returned to Katoomba, it was about dark...

心血来潮, we decided to cook dinner!

let Chef Seow show you what's cooking!

is mai hiam buai pai one ok!


After thoughts -
下午, 我们坐在亭子用餐。不一会儿, 一只可爱的小红鹦鹉飞到我们的椅子上。智敏喂了它一些面包啃, 它却越大胆,跃上桌子上!附近的大、丑陋的黑鸟也朝我们的桌位走来。。。
我第一个念头是, “好丑!把它赶走!”

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