Wednesday, October 3, 2007

the adventure of my life - 3rd sept 2007

3rd sept, 6am, me and duygu boarded the plane back to las vegas.
I have already hatched my evil plan.
I would attempt to sneak go back into Grand Canyon even though I wasn't supposed to.
I would take the St George shuttle from Las Vegas Airport back to St George. And take the company shuttle back to Grand Canyon EVEN though I wasn't supposed to go back.
Remember i was already "passed out" as an employee of X**terra? And I wasn't supposed to go back.(unless as a tourist, la)
this is the most out of the world thing i ever done.
Remember: I am a rational, down to earth, boring Singaporean.
To do something 'wild' like that..its unbelievable by my own standards.

But I can't help it. I know I am not doing 'right' by this obstinate decision to go back. I know I should be rational and stay in Vegas. AND NOT try to go back to the mountain which i called home the past 3 months. I know by going back, I might inflict hurt on people. AND the 2nd time leaving GC would be much harder for me. But all I can do was to follow my heart. Very seldom do I have such a resolute calling - to be so insistent on a decision. But this time, the message was clear - you left something of utmost importance in Grand Canyon. You are not done with GC yet. I had to go back. I really had to - to retrieve my heart.
Which I did.
I followed Duygu to the trusty old Macs to await pickup from the company shuttle. Moments ticked by. I was worried they won't allow me up the shuttle. Call me a worrywart or what la..
But thankfully.. my evilplan went without a hitch. No one questioned why I was still going back.. Luckily I did not agree to have a farewell party... If there was one... *trouble*

3rd sept 2007, 5pm. I reached Grand Canyon once again. It felt super nice to be "home". So familiar. So....heartwarming. I felt so reassured to be back. So happy.
I had the best dinner I had the past few days. I cleared off sooo much food, to replace what was lost the past few days.
*shall skip the more...personal details..heh heh
so here, the adventure of the summer.



    oh yeah this is one of those things iv been meaning to ask you but i always forget.

    haha. coz MK told me you came back to GC and I was very surprised. as in!!!

    then i asked him why u came back then he said u left something very important but he didnt know what it was. well, the way i know you, it is so not you to leave something very important.

    eh then what did you do there??? hah must tell me when we meet!!!!

  2. what can i say?
    u're ain't no rational & boring s'porean any more...
    North Rim makes ppl lose their rationality...
    that's all i can say
